domingo, 30 de mayo de 2010


Recent years, thin film science has grown world-wide into
a major research area. The importance of coatings and the
synthesis of new materials for industry have resulted in a
tremendous increase of innovative thin film processing technologies.
Currently, this development goes hand-in-hand
with the explosion of scientific and technological breakthroughs
in microelectronics, optics and nanotechnology
[1]. A second major field comprises process technologies for
films with thicknesses ranging from one to several microns.
These films are essential for a multitude of production areas,
such as thermal barrier coatings and wear protections,
enhancing service life of tools and to protect materials
against thermal and atmospheric influences . Presently,
rapidly changing needs for thin film materials and
devices are creating new opportunities for the development
of new processes, materials and technologies.
Therefore, basic research activities will be necessary in
the future, to increase knowledge, understanding, and to
develop predictive capabilities for relating fundamental
physical and chemical properties to the microstructure
and performance of thin films in various applications. In
basic research, special model systems are needed for quantitative
investigations of the relevant and fundamental processes
in thin film materials science. In particular, these
model systems enable the investigation of i.e. nucleation
and growth processes, solid state reactions, the thermal
and mechanical stability of thin film systems and phase
boundaries. Results of combined experimental and theoretical
investigations are a prerequisite for the development
of new thin film systems and the tailoring of their
microstructure and performance.

State of the Art
The major exploitation of thin film science is still in the
field of microelectronics. However, there are growing applications
in other areas like thin films for optical and magnetic
devices, electrochemistry, protective and decorative
coatings and catalysis. Most features of these thin film
activities are represented by a relatively new research area,
called surface engineering. Surface engineering has been
one of the most expanding scientific areas in the last 10
years and includes the design and processing of surface
layers and coatings, internal interfaces and their characterization.
Surface engineering is directed by the demands
of thin film and surface characteristics of materials.

(a) Thin film processing techniques
There exists a huge variety of thin film deposition processes
and technologies which originate from purely physical
or purely chemical processes. The more important thin
film processes are based on liquid phase chemical techniques,
gas phase chemical processes, glow discharge processes
and evaporation method. Recently, a considerable
number of novel processes that utilize a combination
of different processes have been developed. This combination
allows a more defined control and tailoring of the
microstructure and properties of thin films. Typical processes
are e.g. ion beam assisted deposition (IBAD) and
plasma enhanced CVD (PECVD). Examples for novel thin
film processing techniques, which are still under development,
are pulsed laser ablation (PLD) and chemical solution
deposition (CSD). Both techniques enable the synthesis
of complex thin film materials (complex oxides, carbides,
and nitrides).

Presently, experimental efforts are increasingly supported
by computational approaches that address complex growth
processes, saving time and money. These approaches
enable e.g. the description of the evolution of thin film
microstructures as a function of processing parameters.

(b) In situ characterization
The thin film process equipment can be categorized into
production equipment for device manufacturing, equipment
for research and development, and prototype apparatus
for fundamental investigations of new or established
deposition processes. One reason for the world-wide rapid
growth of deposition technology is that equipment manufacturers
have successfully met the demands for more
sophisticated deposition systems including in situ characterization
(e.g. reflection high-energy electron diffraction
(RHEED), scanning probe microscopy (SPM)) and process
monitoring techniques for measuring process parameters
and film properties (e. g. ellipsometry, plasma analysis
techniques). Novel experimental tools have enabled
discoveries of a variety of new phenomena at the nanoscale
which have in turn opened unexpected opportunities
for the development of thin film systems, and tremendous
progress regarding a fundamental understanding of the
respective technological processes has been made.

(c) New materials
Thin film systems necessitate direct control of materials
on the molecular and atomic scale, including surface modifications,
deposition and structuring. Many of these techniques
were improved during the last decade, resulting in
remarkable advances in the fundamental understanding
of the physics and chemistry of thin films, their microstructural
evolution and their properties. This progress has
led to the development of new materials, expanded applications
and new designs of devices and functional thin film
systems. One of the most outstanding examples is the successful
development of semiconductor devices with novel
materials like oxides and nitrides (e.g. GaN). Other typical
examples are advances in the synthesis of hard coatings
based on borides, carbides and nitrides.

Expectations 2000 –2010
The gap between solving fundamental materials problems
and developing new thin film devices for microelectronic
and nanotechnological applications is quickly increasing.
For example, in many applications the development of thin
film systems is accompanied by a variety of materials and
processing problems, which require extensive future
efforts to be solved. Prominent examples are the adhesion
and the thermal and environmental stability of thin film
systems. Future developments are critical to overcoming
obstacles to miniaturization as feature sizes in devices
reach the nanoscale. Basic research in this field will refer
to developments of experimental tools necessary to in situ
characterize and measure thin film structures (e.g. optical
and magnetic characterization), and developments of
novel techniques for synthesis and design. These techniques
may be more reliable, less expensive, or capable of
producing films with new or improved properties. Typical
examples are chemical solution deposition (CSD), including
hydrothermal approaches, biomimetic pathways for
assembling inorganic thin films, or device applications of
liquid crystalline polymer film.
Experiments alone will be insufficient. Theory and modelling
are essential for a complete understanding of the fundamental
growth and deposition processes. Multiscale
modelling of thin film and nanostructuring processes will
be an absolute necessity in the next decade in order to
utilize the tremendous potential of thin film science and
technology. It is expected that time consuming and expensive
experiments will be replaced by theory and modelling.
Especially, it is still necessary to develop a fundamental
understanding of the decisive growth and deposition processes.
It will be important for research institutes to focus
on the development of fundamental and novel processes
and devices. This will only be realized if a more defined
connection of the activities between single research
groups and industry can be achieved, based on a fluent
exchange of information. Research institutes and companies,
which cannot achieve this, will have difficulty competing
in future. In this field, Europe must compete directly
with the U.S. and Japan. In comparison to Europe,
there appears to exist an advantageous research environment
in the U.S. and Japan, which supports a more fluent
conversion of results from basic research into applications.
This could be balanced in Europe by improved
networking between industry and research laboratories in
the field of basic researc.

                  Morales R. Karelis
                     CI 1808995
                      ESS secc 2

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